Giovambattista Ianni: Intelligence in Video Games – From Pacman to the Angry Birds AI Competition Experience

TekLab, Media City Bergen Lars Hilles gate 30, Bergen, Norway

  Abstract This talk aims to introduce by examples the current challenges and trends of Artificial Intelligence facing the broad world of video games. After showing the remarkably simple, yet effective artificial intelligence of Pacman's ghosts, we get back to modern times in which neural networks claim to be the hands down winners in the […]


Raffaella Bernardi: An old Artificial Intelligence dream that comes true: Merging language and vision modalities

TekLab, Media City Bergen Lars Hilles gate 30, Bergen, Norway

Abstract In the last decade, there has been an explosion of papers on the combination of the language and vision modalities.  In this tutorial, we will first aim to understand why this is happening, what has made the investigation possible, and where do we stand now. We will see that research has been mostly been driven […]


Pekka Parviainen: Introduction to Bayesian networks – the backbone of probabilistic modelling

TekLab, Media City Bergen Lars Hilles gate 30, Bergen, Norway

  Abstract In this talk, Parviainen will give an overview of Bayesian networks: what are they, what can be done with them and where do they come from? They were invented in the 1980s, mainly as a result of research by Judea Pearl. Bayesian networks are probabilistic graphical models that represent relations between random variables. […]


Enrico Motta: Hybrid AI: Integrating large scale data analysis with semantic technologies

TekLab, Media City Bergen Lars Hilles gate 30, Bergen, Norway

Abstract Over the past 10-15 years we have witnessed a paradigm shift in computer science, brought about by the availability of large scale amounts of data. As a result of this paradigm shift new opportunities have arisen, allowing us to study the dynamics of a variety of phenomena, such as social networks, people’s mobility, shopping […]


Dietmar Jannach: Session-based Recommendation: Challenges and Recent Advances

Seminar room 1, UIB @ Media City Bergen Lars Hilles gate 30, Bergen, Norge, Norway

Abstract Recommender systems is an applied AI technique that we often meet when surfing the web. In many applications of such systems, a larger fraction of the user population are first-time users or are not logged in when they use the service. In these cases, the item suggestions by the recommender cannot be based on […]


Pablo Gervás Gómes-Navarro: Modelling How People Build Stories from Observed Facts

Meeting room 905, Faculty of Social Sciences, Lauritz Meltzers Building (take the elevator to the 9th floor, and then one flight of stairs to the top of the building) Fosswinckelsgate 6, Bergen

Notice: This particular AI Agora event will NOT be taking place at Media City Bergen. This time, the venue for the event is the Social Science Building, Fosswinckelsgt. 6. Please see details below. Abstract People communicate most often by telling stories based on their experience of reality. In this process, three fundamental ingredients need to […]


Marija Slavkovik: The Jiminy Advisor: Moral Agreements Among Stakeholders Based on Norms and Argumentation

Forskningslab, Seminar Room 20, Media City Bergen Lars Hilles gate 30, Bergen, Norway

Abstract The talk introduces the problem of engineering machine ethics and ethical governors in general, and focuses on a recent contribution to this area: the problem of who decides what is right or wrong for a machine. An autonomous system is constructed by a manufacturer, operates in a society subject to norms and laws, and […]


Ana Ozaki: Knowledge Graphs: Facts and Figures

Forskningslab, Seminar Room 20, Media City Bergen Lars Hilles gate 30, Bergen, Norway

Abstract In this talk, Ana Ozaki will give an introduction to knowledge graphs, starting with the basics: What are knowledge graphs, how are they created, and what are they used for? Then, Ozaki will focus on special cases; in particular, the knowledge graphs of the Wikidata, DBpedia, and YAGO projects. Ozaki will discuss the main […]


Tarek R. Besold: Symbols, Networks, Explanations: A Complicated Ménage à Trois

Seminar room 1, UIB @ Media City Bergen Lars Hilles gate 30, Bergen, Norge, Norway

Abstract Discussions surrounding questions of interpretability (or even: explainability) in AI and ML are gaining in popularity in academia and industry. I will briefly characterize four notions of explainable AI/ML that cut across research fields: 1) opaque systems that offer no insight whatsoever, 2) interpretable systems where users can mathematically analyse the mechanisms at work, […]


Sonja Smets: Computing Social Behavior

Seminar room 1, UIB @ Media City Bergen Lars Hilles gate 30, Bergen, Norge, Norway

Abstract Following the recent development in which logical methods can be applied to the formal analysis of social networks, I present work on the use of logic to study social influence and herd behavior in epistemic social networks. In such networks, we first consider agents who adopt a new fashion or behavior depending on whether […]